Button drilling

Got down to work on the cabinet again this weekend. Kind of a short trip, so only really was able to finish up some work on the control panel and pick up a random-orbit sander.

Major thing was I got all the button holes cut for the primary and secondary control panels. Only thing is that I forgot I moved my template to the right a little when setting it up to allow for more space next to the far left joystick, thus causing my Coin/Start buttons for the far left and right players to not be equal distances from the sides. 🙁 Not the end of the world, but wish I could just adjusted those holes slightly.

Also decided how to mount the joysticks using tee nuts. Might add some glue to these to make sure they are actually secure.

Of course, once I got those added in I couldn’t resist seeing how they worked. 🙂

After that it was just a little bit of sanding. Next time I am down I will have to finish that off, add holes to my lexan, add the hinge for my control panel, bondo up some holes on the side, prime and then finally paint the %@&# thing.

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